Seneca Police Department's staff consist of more than 45 personnel; 35 of which are sworn and the remainder being civilian. Seneca Police Department is located in the heart of historic downtown Seneca.
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History of Police Chiefs

John P. Covington, 2008-Present
Stanley Sheriff, 2007-2008
D.W. Graffagnino, 1997-2007
Charles Denton, 1994-1997
Theodore Davis, 1987-1994
Sam Shaw, 1976-1987
H.P. Covington, Jr., 1970-1976
J. Ed Hopkins, 1958-1970
J.W. Holden, 1950-1958
H.P. Hallman, 1930-1950
G.N.Whitt, Unknown Date of Service
Aurthur Lawless, Unknown Date of Service
John Gantt, Unknown Date of Service
George W. Corbett, 1916
W.M. Kay, 1913-1916
J.W. Davis, 1910-1913
O.A. Hunnicutt, 1908-1910